Innovation Culture

Event Title

Making More from Less




Being a good steward is “doing the best you can with what you have.” That doesn’t necessarily equate to excellence, but it does position individuals, teams and organizations to get on that path. Innovation moves us along that path!


Understanding what causes teams and individuals to get stuck, creates opportunities for them to pivot towards progress. Often times lack of people, money and time can facilitate low output performance. But that very environment is ripe for innovation. This message brings a practical approach to becoming innovative when options seems limited.


A tactical approach and perspective towards finding solutions in unexpected ways and places.

A few months ago Greg shared with our team of 200+ people. They were engaged from the beginning by Greg’s humor and, more importantly, the truths he called out when talking about engagement and accountability in the workplace. To consider which category we fall into at work is critical and Greg gave people permission to self-reflect, then challenged us to be better; our team listened and remembered what he shared. Just last week we had an employee quote him! The message is spot on and we can’t wait to partner with him again!

Leslie Runyan, SPHR
Leslie Runyan, SVP/Chief Human Resources Officer at Tulsa Federal Credit Union


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