Who Exhausts You?

Hi Friend

Have you ever missed something so much and when you got a taste of it again, it was euphoric? That happened to me this week. I was fortunate to get to do two virtual keynotes, both of them being Ownership Culture. I love that message! The principles in it, the stories of characters who are real people and the situations are still hilarious to me!

Two weeks ago I did a podcast with my friend Brad, who is in the speaking biz. It was 90 minutes of meandering chat about our lives, work, history, words and careers. We talked briefly about using the word “calling” to describe what we do. It possesses a lofty essence and can translate in a variety of ways. It feels spiritual, yet also something functional to live by, for and in.

I’ve found my sense of calling expands, shifts, morphs and adapts to my reality. However, it seems attached to my natural skills and abilities in whatever forum they are employed. Brad and I discussed how incredible it is to get to generate income by doing what fuels our sense of purpose.

I was reminded of all that as I did these virtual keynotes. It’s literally the most energizing experience of my life. Even through a camera, with no audience feedback, I am incredibly fulfilled doing it. Is that the equation for living out destiny?

Utilizes Natural Abilities + Serves Humanity + Rejuvenates the Soul = Calling

In the podcast conversation we both concluded that we generally use that term extremely sparingly.

Last weekend, I went camping. That too revitalizes my being. Sitting by a campfire is a sacred experience for me. The campsite transforms into holy ground which I can literally sit for hours mesmerized by the flame, stars, fragrance and stillness. You should come with me sometime.

It’s curious to me that I can be revived by two drastically different experiences:

One active, the other inactive.

One work, the other play.

One with people, the other alone.

One inside, the other outside.

I’m grateful.

Being mindful of the places we can go to be refreshed is critical. We’re fortunate if one of those places exists within our work. However, more vital than that is knowing what DRAINS our resources! What rapidly de-energizes us and locks up our joy? If we can diminish or eliminate those, our need for restoration is less demanding.

What exhausts you?

It’s going to be what’s happening in our minds, certainly. We create or recreate thoughts and play them over and over and over, while they run away with our emotional sanity. We tell ourselves stories that deplete our will power. We manufacture scenarios that zap our hope. We rehearse conversations that will never happen, so frequently, our brain thinks they have actually occurred.

Many people attribute their depleted emotional tank to another person. “They wear me out!” In reality, it’s our thoughts about that person that cracks our security. It’s amazing how we layer every interaction with someone into a perspective that then shapes all of our reception of their communication. It’s a startling epiphany…

We Exhaust Ourselves!

Instigating Ideas
1. How would you describe your calling?
2. What’s your go to rejuvenation spot?
3. Do you have opposites as refreshers?
4. What’s your most exhausting thought?

The rhythm of life has tremendous dynamics. Being in tune resonates with our sense of purpose. Being out of tune, creates a dissonance that fractures the soul over time. Being conscious of what creates both is sometimes a mystery and sometimes clearly evident.

I hope you are aligned with your sense of calling and keep your thoughts free of unnecessary clutter.

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