Hi Friend
What a contrasting week. For half of it I was on a beach and the other half I have beenburied in snow. Before either, I was throwing axes with my wife. Another seven days of learning, experiencing and embracing life in a way that keeps expanding me. I don’t have a choice, but to grow!
I should clarify, the beach was in Delaware. Though it was seasonably warm (60’s) I wasn’t galivanting around in a bathing suit, jumping in the ocean or bay. I was admiring the sunset and facilitating a three-day retreat. It was an incredible way to end 2024 professionally. Lots of deeply meaningful conversations transpired.

Our working theme for the event was “Grief, Goals, Greatness”. There had been a lot of unexpected changes at the company recently, so we knew there would be a lot of curiosity at best, anxiety at worst. We had conversations about mindsets, mindstories and truth. We did a deep dive on personal values and mission.
We even did hot seats to help wordsmith identity statements. It was a stellar effort to articulate a sense of self, that exists securely outside of the workplace. It’s interesting how much of how we see ourselves is connected to the work we do. Even if we consciously know we are not our work. Finding ways to describe our meaning outside of that context takes some intentionality. (Give it a try!)
An underlying theme kept emerging: Our lives are most meaningful and purposeful when they are being used in service of others. Full stop. Not one person could describe their own sense of self, without the foundational reality that they existed for the sake of others. It was fascinating.
When considering such lofty ideals such as “purpose” it might seem a tad small if it was just about us, huh? My purpose is MEEEEEE! However, doesn’t it seem like you and I live daily thinking about ourselves first and mostly? If that’s the case, we’re either not being honest about our interpretation of our calling OR we frequently live misalignedwith the thing that’s most satisfying.
I suspect it’s the latter.
Have you written down your values? Most people haven’t. When I work on culture with organizations it always starts with values discovery. What inherently exists here? The same is true for us. If we want to live out of our purpose more effectively, it starts with us consciously aligning with our values. We can’t do that if we’re not clear and settled on what they are. What are yours?
I have six: Truth, Enthusiasm, Delight, Generosity, Intentionality, Adventure. They all have a one sentence blurb that goes along with them as well. They aren’t my purpose, but they inform how I fulfill it. My purpose is: Be useful in meaningful ways that provoke others towards Greatness. Steward God’s Dream. It took loads of hours and working with words (long before my friend ChatGPT could help me) to assemble that phrase. It’s worth the effort.
Instigating Ideas…
1. Put in the work to write down your values & purpose.
2. Consider how much your identity is shaped by work.
3. Have a conversation with someone about their purpose.
4. Encourage someone who is living in service of others.
Writing down our values and purpose creates an opportunity to tether to them. We are much more mindful, when we read and remind ourselves what’s most important, especially when we don’t feel like it.
My wife and I celebrated 6 months of being married last Saturday – thus the ax throwing date. Neither of us had done it before. It was harder than I expected and completely satisfying. “Date Nights” are full of purpose and easily forgotten. Why is the insignificant so easy and what matters most so difficult?
Find a way to throw axes!
I hope this week you use some of your downtime to get clear about your values and purpose. Entering into the new year intentionally aligned with who you were created to be sets you up for maximum fulfillment.