Hi Friend
Here we gooooooo… 2025 is rollin rollin rollin. I LOVE the New Year. Even when everything is going well in life, the rush of #NewBeginnings is a jolt to the system. And if things aren’t going well, it’s like being doused in Hope with possibility being possible even in the direst situations. Granted there are a handful of folks who are like “meh, just another day.” Those individuals are slugs and you don’t want to invite them to any parties.
After an amazing weekend in Florida, I found myself fighting sickness most of this week. My caring wife had to tolerate me wrapped up on the couch, unshowered for several days, including New Years Eve. I binged AppleTV, ate a lot of crackers, went in and out of sleep and wasn’t much fun. However, we did randomly chat about goals, hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.

My kids kindly got me reading glasses this year. I’ve never had them before but love the effect they produce. Interestingly, even with my computer on my lap as I write you, they are ineffective. They have a very specific range of use and if the text isn’t close enough the glasses just magnify the blurriness.
Goals are like that. They can be incredibly useful. But if we don’t incorporate a range of field- like a daily actionthat leads to it – they’ll just be a hazy wish, never realized. Goals are a compass, giving us a direction to aim our life. So it might not literally be daily, but if our practices aren’t aligned, the goals won’t unlock the dream behind them.
I’ve done a lot of goal setting over the decades. Often they’ve been in context of the different roles I play in life. This year we talked about crafting them utilizing our values. I really like that because it perpetuates aspiration congruent with foundation. Daily, I am purposely living out my values, so why not coordinate my future desires accordingly?
What if what we’re trying to accomplish in life alsostrengthened our character? Can a collateral good like the richness of our soul expanding occur simultaneously while pursuing big dreams? Let’s find out. I certainly prefer the premise.
Two things pop up in conversations around this time. One is “reviewing” the year. AI consolidates for people their year, whether through their listening habits or posting patterns. I’m grateful for this letter to you. These weekly learning-extractions eliminate the need to “look back.” I implore you to create a journaling practice that works for you. Capturing the moments in real time, which for me is weekly, is a gift we give ourselves. #StartWriting
The second thing I hear a lot about is the “Word of the Year” strategy. For some, it acts as a north star. For most, they’re like resolutions that get lost along the way. I’ve been doing a “Word of the Month” for three years and it’s been incredibly useful for me. Find a format for utilizing a theme that works for you, because words do encourage, challenge and remind.
Instigating Ideas…
1. Let Hope saturate your being.
2. Share with someone your aspirations.
3. Make sure the few goals you set light you up.
4. Consider your best range-of-field practices.
I love talking about all this stuff. I love thinking about it. I love contemplating ways for goals to be realized. I love hearing about what others are attempting (share yours with me, if you like). I love the possibility of becoming something we’re not. What I really want to love though is the work. I want to love the discipline. I want to love the self-denial required. I want to love the slow process.
I’m convinced that happens through conviction. I’m still working to find the right words. Articulating deeply held beliefs that grip our hearts and minds encases the momentum we need to persist towards unrealized dreams.
Stalled momentum is a killer! The new year is the biggest bang of collective momentum we all receive simultaneously. Of course, it peters out rather quickly. Generating micro-bursts all year long is key to us reaching our goals.
I hope this week you settle on the direction of your priorities, whether in line with what has been or if severe alterations are necessary. I hope you have the courage to incorporate daily/weekly habits that move you forward with all kinds of peripheral positives popping up. 2025 is going to be as fabulous as we make it!