The Last Instigator

Hi Friend,

I don’t write the title of this letter until after I’ve written it. I never know what’s going to appear, so I can’t. However, this time, I have. Changes are coming and I’m very conscious that this season is ending. It might just be the name – because you are still getting a letter next week – but for me it’s an era. This is #261, which is over five years.

The big news this week is that my new website came online. We’re officially rolling it out next Wednesday. There are still a few tweaks I want to make before we communicate it’s alive on the interwebs. Of course, I would LOVE for you my friend, to peruse and explore it, prior to the grand opening.

It’s a pretty big shift for me in a few ways. First the site is my name. Second it’s got an excessive amount of pictures of me. Third, I’ve incorporated all new language to describe and focus my content and services.

That picture is from this past week after I ran on the treadmill. From the age of 16-40, I spiked my hair. I’ve shared with you previously, how I wore a dog collar every day my Junior year of high school and was our friendly neighborhood punk rocker. When I was 20, I went to an audio production school in Orlando. A couple of guys there gave me the name “reverend spike” – because I listened to Christian alternative music in my car (and gave them lots of rides).

When I moved to Oklahoma and worked with teenagers, the name remained. When I turned 40, the name and spiky hair, were put down.


Say your name out loud, right now. Those words encapsulate completely our identity. I know people who have changed their first name. I know people who have changed their last name. I know people who go by a nickname. All of it, in an effort to most accurately identifywith who they are and who they want to be.

For the website, I had to create a “Brand Mark” which is a visual expression of my name. It’s difficult. Lots of people use their signature, because it’s a unique identifier. That wasn’t an option for me. How would your name look and what about you would it communicate to anyone who saw it? It’s a challenging, useful endeavor. 


Prior to the Weekly Instigator, this letter was called “Random Inspiration.” I wrote weekly using that moniker for 4.5 years. I’ll never forget I was meeting with a woman about building a new website and we were talking about this section. She said to me “I don’t think that name reflects you accurately. You’re not a ‘random’ person at all. You seem very intentional.”

I wonder if you and I carry around names about ourselves, that don’t fit any more? Or maybe never did. I met a guy in December who wanted to remind himself of who he was & wanted to be, so he legally changed his last name to “awesome.” Think about that. Our names are the sacred identifier of our essence. Do you need a name change?

Instigating Ideas…

1. Tell someone you like their name.

2. What three traits do you want people to immediately think when they see your name?

3. Explore the new website and tell me something you like about it, please.

The new name for this letter is “SHIFTED Weekly.” Last week, I wrote you about how language creates reality. I’ve done a deep dive on verbiage to articulate more precisely who I am and what I do. Turns out I’m all about shifting mindsets to see and think better; thus the word “Mindshift” is strewn throughout.


I wrote a eulogy for “rev. spike” when that season ended. I had to kill that identity so a new one could emerge. Are you carrying around old names & identities that are no longer in season? They hinders us from experiencing what this new one offers.

It’s hard. And scary. I remember thinking “I was this guy for 20 years. Who am I without this name?” Whether we like it or not, when the season changes if we try to hold on to what was, we miss what is. Let’s not do that.

Next week, prepare for a Mindshift. (This week raise a toast or have a moment of silence for the beloved Instigator.)

I hope this week you listen to your name. When someone says it, what traits do you think & feel? If you’re carrying around old names that no longer serve you well, consider a funeral for them. 


PPS – I sent the spike pic to my kids to remind them what their dad could look like now.

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