Hi Friend
What a week…
Sunday – Ran the OKC Half Marathon on the actual course.
Monday – Made a new relationship via Zoom appointments.
Tuesday – Second week of HostingCEOs with my friends in Atlanta.
Wednesday – Passed out food at my church AND had an amazing Zoom Huddle.
Thursday – The OKC Driveway Drop By took me to seven homes and the Regional Food Bank.
Friday – Received the PPP loan and had killer open Zoom Room chats with multiple people.
Today, I’m sitting here writing you. I mean, could there be a better week?!
When people inquire about how I’m feeling, I tend to list everything I’m doing, which isn’t exactly the same. However, for my personality having all those things to do creates a lot of good feelings. 😁

The OKC Marathon was originally scheduled for last Sunday, so we were out there at 6:30am as if the race were still on. A handful of others were out there as well. It was a beautiful, beautiful day to run!
What’s wild about that list above is that besides the OKC Marathon, none of those things existed three months ago. Even more fantastic to me, is that I just made them all up (well, obviously not the food distribution or PPP), but all the Zoom Room opportunities and such I brought into being.
We can create our own fulfillment opportunities!
Everyone of the items on that list satisfies my soul. They’re not just business efforts, they’re relational activities that invigorate my imagination. I’m smiling as I write this, because I’m thinking about my White Water message, the one where I give away the raft. The third point about navigating well through Terrain Change is to “Lean in, Grab hold, Hang on”. I am certainly practicing what I preach.
The broader idea fascinates me this morning, however. There are numerous individuals who are dissatisfied with their life. Even before COVID-19, they were blaming circumstances and other people for their current predicament. Hoping something or someone would change, only to be disappointed again (and again).
What if we created new scenarios for our own participation that generated rejuvenation?
Rejuvenation Generation
That’s my list. What’s yours?
Granted, I didn’t think through these prior to conceiving my current endeavors. Though I suspect we’re inherently aware of what produces good vibrations in our life and what doesn’t. I also didn’t devise these ventures for the purpose of recharging my soul batteries. Heck, I didn’t know we’d still be on lockdown in our homes all these weeks later!
Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Looking back, here’s how I think it all played out to position me to have such a stellar week, like I just lived:
1. Established a vision for this season: Stay Visible, Serve Well.
2. Don’t let fear create misalignment. My initial reaction to the world shutting down, had me exploring different ways to try to stay afloat. They were reasonable ideas, but just weren’t who we were or where our strengths lie.
3. Construct for me. No market research or solving someone else’s problem. These undertakings appealed to me.
4. Attempt, learn, grow, continue on. The “keep doing it” spirit enabled momentum to appear and new ideas to emerge.
In every way, you and I need to keep our spirits up. Being healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, relationally and with ourselves takes a lot of work in non-pandemic times! Being intentional now is even more vital.
Designing situations that generate rejuvenation in our being is possible. What does that look like for you?
It doesn’t require an enormous time investment. When we identify our rejuvenating elements, accessing them briefly can produce an exponential return of joy, peace, hope and anticipation.
Instigating Ideas
1. Write down something cool you got to do last week.
2. Consider what rejuvenates your soul and jot down a list.
3. Imagine a future, accessing one of those elements daily. What would that entail?
4. Send someone an encouraging message.
5. If you don’t have a vision for this season that keeps you grounded, consider establishing one.
I know the things I did this week aren’t income oriented. I know you may think networking with other professionals leads to business. I agree. However, let’s be clear, driving around the city to sit in driveways isn’t to generate revenue. That interaction and all the others generate rejuvenation in my being, which keeps me alert for business opportunities that may arise.
Rejuvenation generation keeps us healthy. Everything flows out of that.
I dare you to define specifically what rejuvenates your soul. I would love to hear how you create opportunities for those characteristics to be accessed in the upcoming weeks. Please Share.