Hi Friend,
This week has flown by! I’m not one to think about time as fast or slow, just consistent… but it does seem like it was 1.5x speed this week. Not that it was a blur. Quite the opposite. I was incredibly productive and a lot got done. It was also cold. I don’t mean to bring it back up to you again, I’ve just never lived below freezing for so many days.
I was driving by Lake Minnetonka the other day and saw the “houses” out on the frozen lake. I’ve fished before, but I’m not a fisherman. I also have a decent imagination, but I couldn’t fathom what would compel a person to do that. It’s such an intense level of commitment. I’m incredibly curious what it’s like to be in one of those huts!

I don’t personally know anyone here that does it. I’m not sure if I can just walk out on the lake and knock on their door? It’s so blistering cold when the wind is blowing, I’m not sure I could even make it out there without freezing in place. I don’t understand what motivates someone to do that?
I love running. But for the last couple of weeks, I’ve been relegated to the treadmill. I prefer running outside. Unfortunately, it hurts my face and lungs to run in negative degree temperatures. So I accept running in place is my best option. Ice fishermen simply don’t accept NOT doing what they love.
I’m a fan of the extreme as much as the next guy. I suspect it’s why Survivor is on it’s 47th season. We all like to consider what we’d do in conditions way beyond the norm. We don’t typically intentionally put ourselves there! What’s the most extreme thing you do that is drastic, exaggerated, excessive or otherwise unreasonable?
If we do it consistently, then we might not even know it’s abnormal. Only others who don’t do or understand the thing, would consider it unusual. Though, I am aware when something stretches me. I’m also cognizant that doing something often enough makes it the norm. It’s the stretched rubber band philosophy.
How do we keep finding new ways to stretch ourselves? You and I are susceptible to routines, patterns and the demands of life requiring us to go through the same motions day after day after week after month after year. Wouldn’t it be great if we could have a monthly excursion show up at our door, like a meal delivery plan?
I know I know, you have plenty of challenges in life already. That’s not what I’m talking about. Dealing with difficulties and facing adversity is life. How do we extract ourselves from it to attempt something extraordinary, even outrageous? Allowing ourselves to take a risk in one way, often unlocks dormant aspects of ourselves in other ways.
Instigating Ideas…
1. Create a list of extreme things you’d like to experience.
2. This week do something that stretches your feeling of comfort.
3. Encourage someone you notice attempting the absurd.
You know what drives people to fish in below freezing temperatures? They LOVE IT! What’s extreme to me, is passion to them. There’s loads of data that proves love will make you do crazy things. Can we correlate our capacity to care to the drastic steps we’re willing to take to express it? If so, we’ll have some good stories that reveal our #CrazyLove.
Another interesting twist in these considerations is that what I think might be radical, you may think is ho-hum. From all of my productivity this week, I’ve landed on the next version of the Weekly Instigator. It’s getting a new name, new look, similar writing with a more intentional through-line. No biggie to you, but quite a big biggie to me.
Is there such a thing as an iterative extreme? It seems paradoxical, so probably so. Making progress by requiring from ourselves discomfort and forced change is irrational. It’s also the primary pathway to continued growth and meaningful living. I suspect becoming something we’re currently not is an extreme gesture, as most folks tend to remain the same. #NotUs
I hope this week you find some small or big ways to go to the extreme – whatever that means for you.