Hi Friend,
This week had a first. I usually like incorporating things into my life I’ve never had experience with before. This was not the case. I’ve been on the go quite a bit these last couple of weeks. Numerous flights, hotels and AirBnB’s. It’s been a lot of fun being with new clients, seeing family and continuing traditions of annual events. I love when the pace is constant.
On Monday I was flying to Denver. I almost exclusively fly Delta, but Southwest had a direct flight. My loyalty lieswith my schedule first, so a direct flight anywhere from OKC wins. I rarely fly Southwest, so I was unfamiliar with their app layout. In Delta it shows Boarding Times and Departure Times. It appears differently in SouthwestWHICH CAUSED ME TO MISS MY FLIGHT!!
I couldn’t believe it. Driving to the airport the notification popped up that said “Boarding has started” and I kind of freaked out. I drove super fast. Ran to TSA with about 15 minutes before the flight was leaving. The ticket had already been removed so there was no barcode. I pleeeeeaded with the TSA agent to let me through. I could hear them calling the flight as a final boarding. She said I had to have a new ticket issued at the counter. No wiggle room!
I ran to the counter. It was now 13 minutes before the plane was supposed to take off. The ticket agent said “You can’t make it.” I said “Oh yes I can…” She disagreed and told me there was no way I was making it on that flight and gave me a ticket for later in the day.
At myself, of course. Though it’s possible my frustration with my own mistake may have been evident towards both the TSA Person and the Ticket Agent. They may have thought I was frustrated with them. Granted, anyone watching that encounter may have thought such a thing too. I was not. I wanted them to be accommodating and work with me to create a miracle story… they just didn’t see themselves in that role that day. Ugh
I was and am fully aware it was entirely my fault. Man I hate that! I also hate that my agitation was on display. I’m not one taken with anger or frustration in an overtly visible way. Unless you know me, then there are small cues and clues I offer.
It’s funny how the story in our mind shifts about others when we are in that state. At least it does for me. I like to see myself as someone who finds a way to a solution no matter what. I’m allergic to nay-sayers, doubters and the unwilling. In those moments, in my mind I turn into their coach and think “Come on buddy, you can make this happen. You can do this. I believe in you. Let’s do the impossible together!”
Of course, they aren’t feeling it that way at all.
What’s funny is, I feel that way for people, even when I’m not in a stressed situation or the one needing their service. When from afar, I see half-hearted effort or an unwillingness to try, the same kind of conversation happens in my mind.
I want the best for you!
I’m confident mediocrity wreaks a constant dulling on our soul and most are unaware of its powerful negative drain. The irony is that the exertion to pursue excellence is considered too difficult. Yet that very engagement, though strenuous, rejuvenates and fuels our hearts and minds in a way nothing else can. Yet often, people make extreme effort to avoid applying themselves that way.
Instigating Ideas…
1. Where in your life could you increase effort?
2. Do you need to apologize to someone for an outward burst of frustration?
3. Who could you encourage this week to go for excellence?
4. Define what your best looks like.
This phase of my life is being defined by #BestDaily. I’m no where close to how I want to be in expressing that or simply living in it consistently. But I’m conscious in a way I never have been before. Which means I’m much more aware of when I don’t measure up to my own standards, as well.
Why is it we humans tend to do all we can to evade giving ourselves to the process of excellence? We talk a lot about getting out of our comfort zone and in the same breath trying to find an easier, more convenient way to achieve. Part of my identity statements contain the idea that I will do hard things. It’s been a necessary and useful mantra this past year. It’s enabled me to be, do and see myself in ways I never have.
I know, I know… the genesis of this letter to you is in my own complete failure to read a boarding pass and then not accepting it gracefully. Ha! That’s the beauty of failings. They illuminate the alternative so effectively.
Today is the best day of your life. Live it, love it, make the most of it!
I would love to hear how the conversations in your mind goes when you encounter people living less than stellar. Also, what emotional intelligent hacks do you use, when you recognize you’ve been hijacked? Please Share.