Hi Friend
Last week was rather wild. I got married. It had only been 6 weeks and 3 days since I proposed, but our date options were limited for those we wanted in attendance. Granted it was just our immediate family, but it turns out they all already had lots of summer plans.
My wife immediately went into preparing mode. Fortunately, I had a few friends here who were willing to jump in and act as surrogate wedding planners, sending lots of pictures and coordinating the necessary elements. It was in a friend’s backyard, with less than 20 people, but still felt like a massive global event.

I will spare you the grueling details of the final week, all the trips to the airport and the minutia required to pull it off. It was unexpectedly exhausting. What I will tell you is that the wedding and dinner following, were more spectacular, glorious, better-than-hoped-for and as-perfect-as-possible! I’m not even exaggerating. It was divine.
What’s currently painful, is that my beautiful bride left town last Sunday and we’re both back to living life like we were prior to our nuptials. It’s sorta surreal. I don’t recommend it. I’m not enjoying it. I’m completely over it and ready to be with her daily. We live in two different states which is why it is delayed.
This later-in-life merging of families through a second marriage offers the opportunity to think differently. I never thought you could get married and then go your separate ways two days later. Thankfully our minds are pliable. Have you ever wrestled with the thought “IT’S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE THIS!?“
When my neural pathway buzzes with such considerations, I find comfort in creating new definitions. Instead of exhausting our emotional tank with frustration, disappointment or even anger when a scenario doesn’t go as preferred, we can offer a sentiment that aligns with reality. “When you’re over 50 and get married, immediately living together may take a minute.”
You and I want things OUR WAY! There is something powerfully magnetic about our Point of View. It matters! Or does it? My new Permanent Life Partner and I had more disagreements in the two weeks prior to our wedding then we did the previous two years. It was painful, unwanted and unexpected. And it kept happening. :/
Why is it so difficult for others to see how clearly right our perspective is? Why is it so hard to abandon ours to align and adhere to another’s vision? I’d suggest it’s our ego raging, however in my experience, I genuinely wanted what I considered the “best” solution. Sincerity and good intentions are fuel for an unwillingness to bend. Oh the irony…
Instigating Ideas…
1. Celebrate your spouse, partner or significant other – if you have one.
2. Redefine a situation that is causing you anxiety and frustration.
3. Give up your position and go with someone else’s idea.
4. Encourage someone who is currently living life in an unwanted way.
After I got some rest, my primary sensation was gratitude. So many people were generous towards us to make our night wedding the beautiful spectacular experience it was. There is literally no way it could have happened without others making sacrifices for our benefit. It’s pretty cool to feel loved by so many, when making a vow for love, to one.
Michelle and I have quite a story. Starting this new chapter in the way we did offers lots of hope. Everything that could go right, did. I’m grateful.
I’d like to think this new chapter is actually a whole new book, we’re beginning. It’s an action-adventure-romance story with one joyous faith-filled excursion after another. The monotony of daily life made pleasant by simply being in the same place!
I’m sure I’ll keep you posted as the new chapters, characters, mysteries and unexpected occurs and evolves. Stay tuned…
I hope this week you are filled with gratitude, redefine a reality and give up your resistance. Humility is always the winning position to assume.