Frodo, Joe & Faith

Hi Friend

We made it. Congrats. Here we are at the end of 2023 on the cusp of 2024. Who would’ve guessed a decade ago this is what life would look like? Both yours and mine, or societies? It’s somewhat unbelievable. I’m super grateful to be alive. Not everyone made it this far.

This past week was thoroughly enjoyable. I got to spend more time with my kids. I didn’t do much work. I watched all three extended versions of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Their quest, friendship, determination and courage in the face of constant fear inspires me. It’s the compelling story I need going into 2024.

Actually, I have a real-life compelling story that challenges me even more. My friend Joe, with whom I run, landed an incredible job last year. Then they weirdly changed their minds after a few months, putting him back in need of a job. That was like 6 months ago. Since then, he’s been applying, networking, learning and consistently searching.

This week he secured a job so perfect for him, it sounds like it was made just for his strengths. I’m incredibly happy for him. What moves me is that Joe applied to 290 different jobs!! Whaaaaaaat?! (Yes, he kept a spread sheet tracking all communication). UGH. This job he landed was application 253.

Discipline of Diligence

That blows me away! I’m in awe of this man who never complained, did what he knew to do and simply remained diligent. I’m sure he got discouraged but you’d never know it. I’m sure he felt all kinds of frustration, disappointment and fear, but you’d never know it. He persisted in his daily practices with positivity.

I want to be that kind of man. His consistency is an inspiring act of faith. Joe is way more heroic than Frodo. Orcs are scary and mean but die easily. Joe resisted vigorously the voice of rejection which carries with it hopelessness and despair; they attempt to lodge their way into our hearts, crushing us from the inside out.

If It’s Meant To Be…

I hate the phrase “if it’s meant to be it will happen.” That’s just not true! Going into 2024, it’s critical we reject that philosophy and take on the spirit of Joe. “If it’s meant to be I’m going to need to sow hundreds of seeds, persist with no sign of progress and remain diligently consistent in doing the right things daily!”

Success is a character game. Do you and I have the internal fortitude to stay the course to achieve our dreams? At what point do we give up? At what point do we let disappointment and the unfairness of life dictate our actions? At what point do we feel too sorry for ourselves and justify our shortcuts? Or worse, we just stop trying.

I am part of a faith-based community. Sometimes faith is packaged as heroic acts, big leaps or sacrificial giving. I’m moved more these days by the persistency and consistency of daily faithfulness. THAT reveals the deepest trust.

Instigating Ideas…

1. Watch Lord of the Rings (over multiple days).

2. Encourage someone who is being faithful.

3. Determine to persist in an area of your life.

4. Remain hopeful.

In contemplating my goals, focus and aspirations this year, I decided I mostly want to think about myself differently. I know I am playing too small in too many ways, so I want to shift how I see myself. It’s a difficult undertaking because I like who I am and generally like how I am. I know if I want to achieve bigger, I have to perceive myself differently. Who are you aspiring to become in 2024?

What I took from the men, dwarf, hobbits, elves and wizard was to just do the next right thing I can do. That’s enough. Well and that next right thing will require great courage since resistance never relents. What I took from Joe is the same, plus bravery may look mostly like daily discipline.

Faith > Fear

The eye of Mordor threatens us with a life of despair. Fear offers the same. I hope in 2024 you exert a daily faith of consistency that thwarts every lying orc-thought that seeps into your mind. It may take 290 attempts. Your dreams are worthy of tenacity. You are capable for the quest. Enjoy 2024!

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