En, Dis, Courage

Hi Friend,

Holy Smokes, what a week!! I left Sunday morning and flew to Scottsdale for a conference I was attending. It was for professional keynote speakers. I was there till Thursday. Then I flew to Great Falls, Montana for my last event of the year. It’s another fabulous ESOP Client that brought me back after our experience last year. I love getting to be embedded on a team year-after-year.

What was fun about it is that the event was at the airport! The Great Falls airport has a big conference room that can hold over 150 people at rounds. It was wild. I arrived at the airport around 6:45am, my flight was scheduled to leave at 6:25pm. Unfortunately, the flight was delayed causing me to miss my connection, so I spent another night in Great Falls. That happens.

It made for another loooooooong day. Every day of this week has been extraordinarily lengthy. The conference I attended started at 7:30am went till 5pm, took an hour or two-hour break and then came back for 2-3 hours of dinner and networking and a gala. It was rich with content and a bit of an overload. I committed to process it all next week.

The benefit of such an intense schedule is that I was constantly around high-caliber people I didn’t know, until I inserted myself into their life. Some of these men and women get paid $35k a talk!! That’s the direction I’m headed. Don’t worry, I won’t start charging you for this weekly rambling of goodness.

En, Dis, Couraged

I told Sarah and Monica I was equally encouraged and discouraged at the conference. On one hand I felt affirmed about a lot of things we are doing. On the other hand, I felt like I should be so much further along – manyyounger speakers are, which was disheartening. One response fills me with courage to forge ahead, the other steals courage, offering hopelessness in itsplace.

It’s a weird tension to feel bummed about our progress and entirely satisfied. I’m certain practicing contentment and gratitude keeps the momentum of hope alive. How do you navigate disappointment and excitement simultaneously rousing your spirit?


Patience is an act of courage. Taking big risks, making massive investments, attempting the unattainable, determining a future course, committing everything, reaching for more, giving sacrificially – the only meaningful life is one led with courage. Without it, we live small lives full of wishes that never become potential realized.

Why do we do that? We all want big fulfilling lives that make a difference and generate loads of joy for us and others, yet we still succumb to fear. It’s illogical and irrational, yet it’s what most people choose consistently over the course of their life. WHY????

We justify our small even when others model what’s possible. I found myself at this conference acknowledging why others were killing it, while telling myself a story of why I hadn’t achieved certain milestones yet. I don’t enjoy that story.

Instigating Ideas…

1. Where is fear keeping you small?

2. Embrace both wins/losses equally.

3. Encourage someone who is taking a chance.

4. Get around others who inspire you.

Fortunately, I’m not really a comparison guy. I’m genuinely happy for people who are thriving. Their success doesn’t diminish my opportunities. Celebrating others who have already attained what I’d like to, seems the best option. I was mostly in awe of the other 80+ speakers who were at this conference. People are living amazingly strong lives that truly do inspire!


Experiencing up close the level of professional I aspire to be, stirred my appetite. I am hungry for expansion, enlargement and impact. I aspire to live fully satisfied with a just-below-the-surface dissatisfaction. I aspire to be determined and consistent; also, spontaneous and free. I aspire to live in the tension of courage, faith and ridiculous boldness. How about you? What do you aspire towards?

The hotel in Scottsdale had SEVEN MILLION Christmas lights! It was a bit much. That’s exactly how I want to illuminate the world around me! 🌟

I hope this week you hold both encouragement and discouragement, extracting courage from either for what you need to do. I hope your appetite is nurtured in a way that drives you forward.

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