Emotions are a Gift

Hi Friend

I liked this week. It had personal and professional challenges that kept me working hard. Despite how long I’ve been doing what I do, the preparation for an event or experiences is regularly excruciating. I envision the whole encounter and imagine what I can do to make it highly impactful and useful. That takes some of my best mental energies.

Also, much more fun, I decorated my home for Christmas. I’m traveling the first two weeks of December, so I had to buy an artificial tree this year. The last two years I’ve gotten a live tree for the fragrance and fun (& mess). I was initially bummed, however, and I say this with great zeal, I LOVE THE FAKE PRE-LIT TREE!!! I almost didn’t put ornaments on it, I like it so much.

However, my daughter was in town, so we definitely did put ornaments on it! She assured me it was a boring thing to do, so we allocated a minimal amount of time for it. We then went and watched the Hunger Games Prequel movie, which I also surprisingly loved! Not only is the inside decorated, I swapped out the lights on my porch and garage which made the outside festive too! (I’ve never been a lights-on-the-house-kind-of-guy).

This is exactly why my life is dedicated to shaping environments. My home feels entirely different and I simply love it! I’m in my own north-pole-paradise which brings joy to my soul. With the fireplace turned on and all the lights off except for the tree, I have a spiritual experience right here in my living room. 🎄


It’s also quite the emotional trip. There are decades of rich memories attached to Christmas so when we bring all the gear out, it’s like pulling out a personal history book. Isn’t that what home-made ornaments are meant to do? I’m grateful for the dynamic range of feelings my soul processes.

I hope throughout this month my heart expands because I sit with every inner vibe. I’m anticipating deeper sorrow, fuller joy, robust amusement, biting disappointment, raw sadness, giddy elation and satisfying contentment. I’m hoping to face and fight bigger fears than I ever have before. I intend to vigorously run towards every heart sensation with arms wide open.


We know this is the hardest month on the human soul. When negative feelings torment us, our natural tendency is to avoid, resist, squash and try to run from them. Why not intentionally embrace and digest them when they come? I’m sure it’s because they arrive with such gusto, overwhelming us. Can I suggest when that happens, pick one.

Fear, anger, disappointment, self-loathing, regret – they show up as a party pack. Their intention is to immobilize, drain and debilitate. We are capable of identifying and addressing each one of them independently.

What are you afraid of?

What’s at the root of that disappointment?

Have you forgiven yourselfWhy not?

Anger is a secondary emotion, what is the primary?

Instigating Ideas…

1. Get your house decorated!

2. Anticipate wide-ranging emotions and prepare accordingly.

3. Talk out loud about your different feelings.

4. Offer to listen to someone who is hurting this season.

I have an obsessively strong commitment to truth. In my inner circle and even those one layer removed, I have a tendency to articulate specifically, and in detail, what’s happening inside of me. Heck, even here, I’m rather open to share with you what’s transpiring between my heart and mind. I like talking about feelings, probably because they’ve never played a dominant role in my life. Granted I have plenty of them, but I’m not wired in a way that offers them a place of leadership in my life.

I have a friend with the exact opposite life experience. Her feelings play a major part in her decision making. They’ve even defined her personality to an extent. She’s on a quest to readjust the role they play in her life. I don’t think she’s unique in this endeavor. I suspect a majority of folks enable their emotions to take center stage. Do you?


All of us are moved by our emotions. This December I’m considering every one of mine a Christmas gift. I’m going to open it up and see what I find. Even if it feels like a lump of coal, I’m going to stay with it until the diamond appears. 💎

I hope this month is filled with all the biggest and best emotions your soul can muster! And when the unfavorable ones appear, I hope you wrestle with them too. Feel ALL the feelings you can, then keep moving forward.

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