Big Spaces

Hi Friend,

This morning I am writing you from the Comfort Diner on 45th & 3rd in NYC. I had planned on writing in Central Park this morning, but it is raining and dreary. This place is loud and alive, and I love it! I definitely wish I was a New Yorker. Their attitude, volume, directness and efficiency are all very admirable. However, I don’t quite possess the edge that seems inherent in the natives.

I got here via Chicago. I had the good fortune to speak to the Ronald McDonald House Charities Global Team. My friend Katie became the CEO this past year and invited me in to dance on the minds of her team. It was a full day of painting, data, trust and loving obstacles. Their efforts are incredible, somewhat under-the-radar and yet all over the world!

Of course, since I was in Chicago, I got to spend a little time with my son, which is always a delight!

It’s a big city week. The energy in both are significantly amplified compared to OKC. The walking and train/bus/subway riding is always an adventure for me. Yesterday afternoon I flew in and still got 23,896 steps. It’s like hiking, but with buildings instead of trees, though I did spend a couple hours in Central Park. Also, my friend Jeanne was in town, so she met me at the Halal Guys cart as I devoured their deliciousness.

Culture, Culture, Culture. This environment fosters a feeling of possibility. It could be all the stimulants from Time Square, but the bigness of it all makes me think my life could be bigger.


You know how they say a plant can only grow to the size of the pot it’s planted in? Our communities, friendships, homes and social/spiritual environments are our pots. It’s not about the physical size of our home or the quantity of friends, but rather the expanse offered our imaginations because of them. You can live in a big house and think small, or live in an apartment and dream wildly. It’s what the space and people provoke.

Are you a Big Person? When others are around you do they believe beyond their current reality? Does your presence catapult a willingness to go for it? I want to be an individual who, when others enter my orbit, aspire to be and do more.

Do you fashion Big Spaces? I love my home but it is barren. I wish I had the ability to decorate it with pictures, art and designs that provoke inspiration. I have not invested in that or in someone who could create that for me. It’s a missed opportunity to dream.


The energy in NYC is different than the energy in Chicago. I like em both. The energy I get from introverts is different than the energy I get form extroverts. I like em both. The energy from being in the woods is different than the energy from being in a coffee shop. I like em both. They energy from laying out a vision is different than the energy from executing the detailed tasks. I like em both.

Isn’t that the key? That we rejuvenate our souls via spaces, places and people? Knowing where and who revives us, compared to drains us, is essential. Being mindful about both is our responsibility.

Instigating Ideas…

1. Go somewhere that energizes you.

2. Intentionally energize someone this week.

3. Tell someone about a space or place that releases your dreams.

4. Are you living small because of your environment?

I think I could live in Chicago. I don’t think I could live in NYC. Understanding when something positive can turn negative is necessary for our intentional exposure. (I would be out every night feeding off the energy of all the people from all over the world, which would prohibit me from getting anything done, or sleeping!)

Speaking of, I need to get out of this diner so I can run the wet streets. I’ve been in this diner way too long. However, the couple sitting next to me asked me if I was a local. My day is complete!


I have no agenda for my time here. I’m simply going to wander around. Having the opportunity for such an un-regimented day in the biggest concrete jungle is relaxing, refreshing and enjoyable. Even though the weather is dreary, I feel incredibly bright and light. Like the Life is Good people say, not all who wander are lost.

I hope this week your mind space is large, free, refreshing and encouraging to others. Make time to wander, explore and experience what your current environment offers. There’s more there than you realize.

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