Hi Friend
I’ve really enjoyed this week. It started out with a virtual follow up with the leadership team I was with a few weeks ago in Wisconsin. They didn’t know I was dropping in. I like being an unexpected surprise. We had conversations about how to layer in momentum boosters, thicken trust and the reliability of time. I love leadership teams!
The next day I got to be back with the HoganTaylor Creative Team. I’m one of five on this team. It’s our 13th year together scheming the most creative firm meeting happening in any business advisory/accounting firm in the nation. I’m confident of that. We continue to discover new and amazing ways that generate surprise and delight!

I’ve had numerous Zoom/FaceTime calls this week that have been very positive. Friends, colleagues, clients all who were generous, kind and encouraging with their words. I think I’m feeling loved this week. I also splurged and had my house cleaned. That fragrance elevates everything!
On top of that, last week I sent my Apple Watch in for a new battery because it’s 5 years old and wasn’t holding a charge for an 8-mile run. They sent me a brand new one(of my version). It was an unexpected surprise. I’m grateful.
There are so many other things going on around me too, in both my personal and professional life that just aren’t as positive as I need them to be. Yet I see goodness. I don’t know if that’s a visible element or of the material world, but my life is flooded with goodness. Good people. Good wishes. Good mojo. Good will. Good ideas. Good intentions. Good contributions. Good vibrations. Good words. Good thoughts.
I haven’t been to the optometrist in a few months, but I think my vision is getting better. The filters that gratitude, hope and faith apply to my cornea are better than any instagram offers. Working hard on stuff that matters to me also seems to increase my clarity. What are you seeing these days? Can reality remain and we adjust our filters to access it differently?
The other thing I’ve been conscious of is what I’m hearing in my heart, mind and spirit. There’s a whole world of chatter going on in there that’s exhilarating to eaves drop in on. Some of it’s for me now. Some of it’s for me later. Some of it’s not mine. Some of it’s a mystery. Some of it’s a reminder. I cherish the Voice at the center of my soul.
How’s your discernment when it comes to recognizing which voice to attune to in this season? When the frequency of the spirit aligns with the harmony of the heart and syncs with the melody of the mind, that’s a sound we want to stay in step with… heck dance to. When that happens during the day it’s called Flow. When we find a whole season of it, I’d label that the composition of our calling.
Instigating Ideas…
1. Are you seeing life, work and relationships clearly?
2. Make a list of 10 GREAT things that happened in your life last week.
3. If things are out of sync, do you need to tune in to a different frequency?
4. Recognize someone who consistently accesses their flow.
One of the primary responsibilities of leaders is to manage momentum. The conversation on Monday centered around three different ways they could steward the momentum that was in motion because of our event a few weeks before. In our own personal lives managing momentum is critical. Do you have it working for you?
What I love about momentum is that it generates a feeling of accomplishment. It feels like more things are possible when it’s in motion. It feels like our missteps are less damaging. It magnifies hope and minimizes failure. Our emotions are such a strong directional force in our life, if we can harness momentum like the dude in Dune rides a sand worm, we position ourselves for more of the best reality.
Forget best versions of ourselves, I’m fascinated by living in the best version of reality. Filters, frequency & momentum are taking me there. You’re welcome to join me.
I hope this week you are mindful about seeing, hearing and feeling. I dare you to, instead of trying to change the people and world around you, adjust your own lenses and create some momentum.