You Can’t Manage Money, People Or Time

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SE 10 (Manage)

The beauty of crafting culture is the initial work necessary to discover and define values. We as people have values and as organizations we possess them currently and aspirational. They’re not so much something we make up yet we uncover them. The three most valuable elements of any human’s life have right here on my table. Time people in my name on a Monday and Monday without these three we don’t exist. Well really just without the one time but you get what I’m trying to say. We have a phrase in life in business we use when considering these three MVP keys. It’s the word manage we talk about time management. We talk about money management and we definitely talk about people management as if they were real. They’re not. Not at all. And when we believe they are we tend to fail in each of these critical areas. Welcome to another episode of shaping environments where we stretch an idea. Discovering new dimensions that expands our capacity we don’t manage any of these three sacred resources thinking that way which the majority of people do well with. We will find ourselves frustrated. Let’s start with time. I love time. He’s one of my best friends. He has all the attributes you wish you had. He’s reliable consistent generous. He’s gracious he’s always there for us. If we waste him he doesn’t hold a grudge. He’ll give us another 24 hours tomorrow. He’ll do that for every human being regardless of how they treat him. He is the great equalizer. You can’t manage him. You can only work with him when you fight against time. You lose every time our money because we acquire and retain it. We have a sense of authority over it. Have you ever heard the stats on lottery winners read stories about professional athletes. Know any high paid executive type folks who are engulfed in debt. Heck no any middle class characters who live paycheck to paycheck. I imagine you’ve heard the phrase having more money is not the solution. I was always willing to test that hypothesis. Unfortunat ely we can look around our society and see the reality of that principle. We can only lead our lives in a way that benefits or suffers from our relationship with money and people. If you’re a supervisor in management or layers in the org chart reporting under you. This is a conflicting reality. By definition you are managing. Yet we know the greatest indicator of engagement success and satisfaction of any employee is directly connected to their manager. In the stats aren’t pretty. Like the other two sacred resources I beg you to reconsider the language you use to describe the interaction between you and those under your care. Remove manage replace it with relate that provides the accurate framework. We’re actually living. Time is constant. Money is variable. People are fluid. We can’t manage any of them but we do have a relationship with each of them. How you relate directly impacts if they’ll be an asset or a detriment in your life. When you remove the idea you can manage them and pivot to building a healthy relationship with each of these sacred resources. You find yourself a lot less frustrated and a whole lot more fulfilled. Have you experienced people in your life who seem to be able to accomplish so much who stretch a dollar for miles or have people around always willing to help. It’s because of how they relate. What do you think about removing manage from your vocabulary. What insights do you have about these three sacred resources. What you’re experience trying to manage time money and people. I would love for you to contribute below. My name is Greg Hawkes. We shape environments where everyone gets to contribute their best daily. Thanks for letting us serve you.


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