Hosting CEOs

A Strong Message Poorly Communicated Produces Weak Results


Communication is hard enough when we’re all in the same room together. With everyone at home, distracted and dealing with lots of emotions, providing strong communication from top leadership is essential!

With no clear end in sight, creating consistency and stability through video calls is the best solution. Getting to hear, see and feel how a leader is expressing him/herself makes a huge difference!

Of course, the other challenge is being able to keep their attention!

Being HOSTED allows you, the leader to RESPOND to questions, which creates a more natural flow of conversation. Versus just talking directly into a camera that, often is awkward to watch.

Greg’s personality, wit and style will add humor and the unexpected to every interaction; keeping your team (the audience) engaged!

Here is the entire 10 minute conversation with Randy Nail, CEO of HoganTaylor.

Here is the full 30 minute conversation with Sean Taylor of Smith & Howard.

Here is the full 30 minute conversation with the Panel from Smith & Howard.

The Format

  • Zoom Webinar 10-20 minutes of interaction between Greg & the CEO (Leader).
  • Entire team is invited to watch the interaction LIVE.
  • Recording of interaction available within 48 hours.

Two Options

One Conversation – $395

Four Conversations (One a week) – $1000

Proposed Format

Week 1 – Greg & CEO conversation.

Week 2 – Greg & CEO conversation PLUS open Q&A with the team watching.

Week 3 – Panel Conversation. Greg hosts CEO plus selected other Leaders.

Week 4 – TBD based on the previous three weeks.

This is an extraordinary season in our professional lives! It’s going to be memorable. Why not make HOW you interacted and communicated with them what they recall?

Contact us today to set in motion a delightfully meaningful engagement with your team!

Let Me Host You


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