Hi Friend
Two big things happened this week. My wife turned 51 and I saw Wicked. Michelle has a deeply rooted belief that “everyone should be celebrated” on the anniversary of the day they were born. She loves celebrating others, so on her big day I feel the pressure to honor her well. Thankfully, I accomplished it.
I love going to the movies. My kids were raised to go to the movies around the holidays, just like I was. Unfortunately, it didn’t get in their bones and they do it as an obligation for dad, instead of something they like/want to do. Except when it came to Wicked. I didn’t want to see it, but my daughter did. So we did.

We saw the play on Broadway over a decade ago. I had no idea what it was about, but knew it was going to be good. I WAS BLOWN AWAY AT THE STORY! How someone imagined a backstory to the witches that was a total inversion of what we all knew to be true, deeply penetrated my heart. I love that kind of creativity.
I know, I know… the original Wizard of Oz was a made-up story too. Something about generating a narrative that contorts the accepted understanding of what we witnessed, impacted my brain. I couldn’t tell you any details about the storyline, just the overall perspective that was entirely different than was presented in the original.
I’m a firm believer that there is always more than one way to see a situation. There are differing perspectives, that if understood and believed, would change our own thinking. I’ve seen it repeated numerous times. Our society is fascinated with giving the “bad guy” a back story that explains his badness – and maybe why he’s not so bad.
Which simply isn’t as fun as overtly declaring someone wretched. The nuance of past experiences and personal history seems to amalgamate into a concoction of character that is explainable, even if not justifiable. We all want grace, mercy and kindness shown us, because heck, who doesn’t want out of the consequences our choices got us into?
Human nature is duplicitous and self-serving. The same person who posts a meme that says “Be kind, you don’t know what they’re going through” is also the person who says snarky things to the drive-thru kid when their food takes too long. Or worse, gossips at work about their boss.
The duality of reality is fragility and vitriolity. We want tenderness shown, while critically judging. Isn’t that where wisdom leads us? To appreciate that both good and evil dwell simultaneously in each of our souls. The great task of life is to daily choose good. The trick is that as we choose one over the other, we tend to keep going in that direction. #Habits
Instigating Ideas…
1. Consider the story you’re telling yourself about someone. Create an alternative version.
2. Is there a trait about yourself you justify? Do the work to alter it.
3. Thank someone for the grace they’ve shown you. Show it to someone.
4. Do good.
The challenge with all the possible interpretations of motivation is that eventually everything can be justified. Truth is the filter and humility the substance that ultimately percolates through all the rhetoric.
What I love about birthdays is the opportunity to reflect on what happened and who I was that previous year. It’s the ultimate gift to determine how we’re going to approach life and people, despite circumstances, in the upcoming one, even if we’re green.
The other gift is to reimagine. At this point in your story is a clever twist an option? As my friend Joe Strummer is often remembered for saying “The Future is Unwritten.” You and I can change course. We can’t rewrite the past, but we can compose the upcoming differently. Defy the gravitational pull of what has always been.
I hope this week you give grace, see others through a generous lens and take responsibility for your own actions. Have some wicked fun in the process!