Hi Friend
This week has had me away from home. I left last Sunday for OKC and this morning, I’m writing to you from STL. In between, I spent one night in MSP. Though I’ve only been there 2 months, it is definitely “home.”That saying about your heart being the GPS for home, turns out to be true. #FactCheck
Though, being back in OKC for several days was a treat. Renting a car, using a Lyft, staying in a hotel and AirBnB did seem a bit strange. Fortunately, I got to see a few characters, beyond work, which satisfied my soul. Though I didn’t get to see others I had hoped to, so I’ll have to return. I wonder if a heart can hold two homes?

Speaking of heart, I had one of the most unique experiences this past week, that turned out way better than expected. The annual Case RED Conference that I get to MC and speak at every year was why I was in OKC. I love the leaders and teams at this event. It’s my 8th year to get to be in on the fun! I held a “Poetry Writing Circle” that generated some amazing verses.
We did a “Wellness Wednesday.” No speaking, except for the EAP rep sharing all the benefits they have access to. Then we broke up into four groups: Zumba, Oxygen Bar, Massage Chairs and the Poetry Circle. They all happened simultaneously, rotating every 30 minutes, in one big hotel conference room. It was wild, felt a bit chaotic and was incredibly rejuvenating!
Generating poetry with Zumba music blasting across the room was a bit challenging, but didn’t deter our efforts. I did a seven-minute teaching on the six different types of poems, the structure options and offered a handful of prompts to get the juices flowing. No one was already a poet. In 30 minutes, though, some of the most transparent, heart-felt phrases were expressed.
I was blown away. We decided on this activity because sometimes mental and emotional health challenges stick around because we can’t find the words to communicate what’s going on inside of us. Poetry is the language of the heart, which opens up access to our sense of self. Have you ever felt like you’ve “lost yourself”? Poetry is a conduit that connects you to yourself.
I positioned the exercise around peace, joy and gratitude, but all emotions emerged. One started with “I’m Sad” and proceeded in one short verse to reference the passing of her dad. Several referenced pets, loss, current life and hope. At least 80% of every group crafted prose that disclosed meaningful sentiments. I read each one out loud to the group. It was moving.
I’m a fan of counseling, therapy and full-disclosure-vulnerability with close friends. Writing poetry is now right up there with those. Every feeling can be captured in words. Expressing them offers freedom and the possibility of healing. Poetry is the artistic framework to access and articulate those emotions. It’s amazingly powerful. Have you ever written a poem?
Instigating Ideas…
1. Read about poetry.
2. Write a poem.
3. Show love to someone who doesn’t feel like themselves lately.
4. Invite a friend into a deeper conversation.
I’m not a poet! I didn’t know this was available to all of us ordinary people, until I prepped for this event. And even then I didn’t know how it would go. Can you imagine if you were sitting in a circle with 25 of your peers who you might only see once a year and were asked to offer up the depths of your soul? On-the-spot creativity and courage was on full display. #Impressive
This weekly letter to you, Monica, gives me a chance to “check in with myself.” Unfortunately, I’m not sure the majority of humanity practices that. I wonder if weekly you and I asked ourselves “what’s going on inside of my heart and head?” and then wrote the answer down. How could that habit impact us? There are always words available to describe our soul’s experience.
Roses are red
Violets are blue
Thanks for reading my words weekly
I appreciate you!
I hope this week you are grounded in who you are and why you’re here. I dare you to try your hand at writing a poem. If you do, I’d love to read it. I won’t share it out, I promise.