Measuring Moments

Hi Friend

This has been a solid week. Nothing too dramatic. Though as soon as I write that, I think “well, I did secure the opportunity to work with a global non-profit, which is pretty thrilling.” Also, my kids were super kind to me and Face-timed with me to color eggs on Easter. I have a few different holiday traditions I love, so them accommodating that was super meaningful.

Monica spoke at a school assembly this week and killed it. That was rather fabulous. The house in Guthrie I’m building is one week away from the mechanical sign-off and then all the interior starts. I’m beyond excited about that. Oh, I also ran 8 miles which I haven’t done in ages. I run the Half Marathon in two weeks, so need to see if my body will get me there.

All that to say, it WAS an awesome week! I guess it only takes a brief reflection to realize how the Moments of Goodness can highlight a week of the ordinary. I’ll always encourage you to pause and review. So many of us are living at a pace that doesn’t make room for reflection. As you just experienced reading here, it turns out I hadn’t contemplated how special this week was.

A central theme in Monica’s message is about making progress. This week feels like I was in the midst of some of the mundane routines necessary for progress to occur. Even in that process though – as we’re attempting to move forward – many Moments of Goodness appear that propel us forward.

Stop & Consider Your Moments of Goodness

Yesterday, my great friend Jeremy, who is a realtor, went with me to look at the house in Guthrie. I’ve known him for 20 years. The 90 minutes we were together was filled with a variety of personal and professional conversations that filled me with gratitude for our relationship.

*I talk with my mom almost every day. I like to hear about her adventures that she deems normal life.*

*There is a girl in Minneapolis that I am fond of. Our daily conversations consistently generate joy & laughter.*

*My daughter went to a Cardinals game and sent me a pic. If you knew how much I like baseball and she doesn’t, it would make you smile too.*

*I bought plane tickets to visit my son in May.*

These quick thoughts of what constitute a #MomentOfGoodness for me are all relationally-based. They also seem to be fueled with gratitude. My mind doesn’t hold full details of experiences, just moments. These moments provoke an emotional hit. Even as I’m writing you, I have good feelings erupt inside as I recall them. How good for the soul is that?

Moments vs. Minutes

Can we have four hours of boring ordinary work and then a moment happens that shifts everything? I know it does negatively. We get some bad news. We have an intense conflict. A sharp pain shows up in our body. Another human frustrates us immensely. Someone we love makes a poor choice. A decision urgently needs made while fear looms. Our disposition & attitude shifts immediately!

I suspect when we reference having a “good” or “bad” day… we’re really speaking of moments. Surely we can pre-determine a good moment or two each day, that enables us to define the whole day positively?

Instigating Ideas…

1. Take 10 minutes to reflect on your past week.

2. Acknowledge three really great Moments of Goodness.

3. Intentionally create a powerfully positive moment for someone today.

4. Call your mom.

The challenge that we all face is that the negative is exponentially more potent than the positive. From words to thoughts to experiences – the pain, difficulty, challenge and heartbreak that accompanies a bad moment – stings and stays much longer.

People love to focus on it too. Have you ever tried to express hope or a silver lining in a difficult situation? Many respond as if it’s foolishness or that we don’t fully appreciate the dire situation. They disregard faith, possibilities and the power that is released from fighting for a positive perspective.

How we choose to measure a moment defines our life!

That’s a big bold concluding statement. However, it’s true. We may get three, six or ten distinct moments a day. How we describe them to ourselves determines clearly our sense of satisfaction in life. After my kids colored eggs with me, nothing could have transpired on Sunday that would have downgraded that day from Amazing!

I hope this week you are proactive about creating moments you love!

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